
Which Religious Book is Scientifically Proven in the World? 

Which holy book is scientifically proven in the world?

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On our earth so much population is present and they are divided into many types of community and follow different types of religion and in this religion they have different types of religions book.  Every person has the personal rights to choose any religion and follow all the steps that are mentioned in the religious book. So here we discuss some popular religious books like the Bhagavad gita, bible, quran like book and know if the religious book is scientifically proven or not.

Which religious book is scientifically proven in the world? 

In the case of scientifically proven religious books there are two sides present one is the proper scientific meaning and the proven methods and another side is all things that mention in religious books they are helpful to human beings and their health and other social activity. If you take as an experiment any religious book then any religious book can not be proven with proper justice of science. Another thing is they are also helpful to every human being to live their life happily.

In Hinduism, every person follows the Bhagavad Gita which is a holy book in Hindu culture. This book tells everyone how to live the life of a human and what is a good way to meet god. Another religious book the bible is a holy book of Christians they follow all the things that are described in the bible. They follow methods and other daly habits they implement in life. Lastly, in the case of the Quran, it is a holy book of Islam it is also provide the living methods of a human being, and also who follow Islam they live their life in that way.

Bhagavad Gita

days mahabharata war lasted

Bhagavad Gita is a spiritual book of Hinduism. That is a book in which the lord krishna and arjuna conversation will be right in this guide here lord krishna will say everything about a creature how they are made and how they live and how they meet with the god and at last which is truth and which one is wrong all the things we will describe In the spiritual book.

Mostly this book will be followed by hindu religious people but this book is a guide for every human being who will live on this earth. In this book lord god will describe how to free yourself from anxiety, how to live happily in this earth and after your death how you will meet the god. It also proved science.


Bible which religious book is most scientific

The bible is a holy book of Christians like  in case of Hinduism bhagavad gita is a way that how you meet with god as a like in Christians they follow Bibles. Mostly the bible book is divided into parts like the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the case of the Old Testament all things describe God and ancient scripts and paths.

But in the case of the second or known New Testament in this section, the main focus is Judaism. Here all the things describe in different types of scripts of writing how in the old era people lived and they also met with god by praying from their heart. All things are described like human life in the New Testament.


Quran | world no 1 beautiful religion book

The Quran is also a religious book of Islam. All Islamic people follow the book and it is also called the main religious book of Islam. Here they talked about Allah and they also told Muhammad who is 23 years old. He will be the last form of god who will come to the earth and live on this earth and help the people.

The Quran is written in Arabic and different languages. It is available but their scripts and ancient thinking are also the same everywhere. They pray to Mohammad as their god and they know that when a Islamic people die after they meet with their God Mohammad. It is a detailed book for Islamic people because here all things about their life like food, daily works, and worship of god are mentioned and they must follow these guides to stay muslim.


Here at the end of this blog post, you know about the Hinduism book Bhagavad Gita and the Christian bible and the religious book of Muslims named Quran all these things describe the book we will discuss briefly. We want to give the proper knowledge in this blog post so we think you know all the things about how religious book or scientifically proven or not you will get your answer if you think our explanation is right then you also read our other blog post.

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My name is Aman, I am a Professional Blogger and I have 8 years of Experience in Education, Sports, Technology, Lifestyle, Mythology, Games & SEO.

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