1 to 100 Counting in Punjabi | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ 1 ਤੋਂ 100 ਦੀ ਗਿਣਤੀ
पंजाबी में 1 से 100 तक गिनती | punjabi ginti 1 to 100 tek
In this article, we briefly describe 1 to 100 Punjabi counting With full details you know everything about 1 to 100 Punjabi counting. We discuss it in step by step-by-step process in which you learn how to count Punjabi numbers and how to pronounce Punjabi numbers.
At the end of the article you know everything about 1 to 100 Punjabi counting So read carefully at last because your every problem will solve in this one article.
Punjabi Counting 1 to 100 | Punjabi Gurmukhi Counting
English Counting | Numerals | Punjabi Counting (Gurmukhi) |
One | ੧ | ਇੱਕ |
Two | ੨ | ਦੋ |
Three | ੩ | ਤਿੰਨ |
Four | ੪ | ਚਾਰ |
Five | ੫ | ਪੰਜ |
Six | ੬ | ਛੇ |
Seven | ੭ | ਸੱਤ |
Eight | ੮ | ਅੱਠ |
Nine | ੯ | ਨੌ |
Ten | ੧੦ | ਦਸ |
Eleven | ੧੧ | ਗਿਆਰਾਂ |
Twelve | ੧੨ | ਬਾਰਾਂ |
Thirteen | ੧੩ | ਤੇਰਾਂ |
Fourteen | ੧੪ | ਚੌਦਾਂ |
Fifteen | ੧੫ | ਪੰਦਰਾਂ |
Sixteen | ੧੬ | ਸੋਲਾਂ |
Seventeen | ੧੭ | ਸਤਾਰਾਂ |
Eighteen | ੧੮ | ਅਠਾਰਾਂ |
Nineteen | ੧੯ | ਉੱਨੀ |
Twenty | ੨੦ | ਵੀਹ |
Twenty-one | ੨੧ | ਇੱਕੀ |
Twenty-two | ੨੨ | ਬਾਈ |
Twenty-three | ੨੩ | ਤੇਈ |
Twenty-four | ੨੪ | ਚੌਬੀ |
Twenty-five | ੨੫ | ਪੱਚੀ |
Twenty-six | ੨੬ | ਛੱਬੀ |
Twenty-seven | ੨੭ | ਸਤਾਈ |
Twenty-eight | ੨੮ | ਅਠਾਈ |
Twenty-nine | ੨੯ | ਉਨੱਤੀ |
Thirty | ੩੦ | ਤੀਹ |
Thirty-one | ੩੧ | ਇਕੱਤੀ |
Thirty-two | ੩੨ | ਬੱਤੀ |
Thirty-three | ੩੩ | ਤੇਤੀ |
Thirty-four | ੩੪ | ਚੌਂਤੀ |
Thirty-five | ੩੫ | ਪੈਂਤੀ |
Thirty-six | ੩੬ | ਛੱਤੀ |
Thirty-seven | ੩੭ | ਸੈਂਤੀ |
Thirty-eight | ੩੮ | ਅਠੱਤੀ |
Thirty-nine | ੩੯ | ਉਨਤਾਲੀ |
Forty | ੪੦ | ਚਾਲੀ |
Forty-one | ੪੧ | ਇਕਤਾਲੀ |
Forty-two | ੪੨ | ਬਿਆਲੀ |
Forty-three | ੪੩ | ਤਰਤਾਈ |
Forty-four | ੪੪ | ਚੁਤਾਲੀ |
Forty-five | ੪੫ | ਪਨਤਾਲੀ |
Forty-six | ੪੬ | ਛਿਆਲੀ |
Forty-seven | ੪੭ | ਸਨਤਾਲੀ |
Forty-eight | ੪੮ | ਅਠਤਾਲੀ |
Forty-nine | ੪੯ | ਉਨੰਜਾ |
Fifty | ੫੦ | ਪੰਜਾਹ |
Fifty-one | ੫੧ | ਇਕਵੰਜਾ |
Fifty-two | ੫੨ | ਬਵੰਜਾ |
Fifty-three | ੫੩ | ਤਰਵੰਜਾ |
Fifty-four | ੫੪ | ਚਰਵੰਜਾ |
Fifty-five | ੫੫ | ਪਚਵੰਜਾ |
Fifty-six | ੫੬ | ਛਪੰਜਾ |
Fifty-seven | ੫੭ | ਸਤਵੰਜਾ |
Fifty-eight | ੫੮ | ਅਠਵੰਜਾ |
Fifty-nine | ੫੯ | ਉਨਾਹਠ |
Sixty | ੬੦ | ਸੱਠ |
Sixty-one | ੬੧ | ਇਕਾਹਠ |
Sixty-two | ੬੨ | ਬਾਹਠ |
Sixty-three | ੬੩ | ਤਰੇਂਹਠ |
Sixty-four | ੬੪ | ਚੌਂਹਠ |
Sixty-five | ੬੫ | ਪੈਂਹਠ |
Sixty-six | ੬੬ | ਛਿਆਹਠ |
Sixty-seven | ੬੭ | ਸਤਾਹਠ |
Sixty-eight | ੬੮ | ਅਠਾਹਠ |
Sixty-nine | ੬੯ | ਉਨੱਤਰ |
Seventy | ੭੦ | ਸੱਤਰ |
Seventy-one | ੭੧ | ਇਕਹੱਤਰ |
Seventy-two | ੭੨ | ਬਹੱਤਰ |
Seventy-three | ੭੩ | ਤਹੇਤਰ |
Seventy-four | ੭੪ | ਚਹੱਤਰ |
Seventy-five | ੭੫ | ਪਚੱਤਰ |
Seventy-six | ੭੬ | ਛਿਅੱਤਰ |
Seventy-seven | ੭੭ | ਸਤੱਤਰ |
Seventy-eight | ੭੮ | ਅਠੱਤਰ |
Seventy-nine | ੭੯ | ਉਨਾਸੀ |
Eighty | ੮੦ | ਅੱਸੀ |
Eighty-one | ੮੧ | ਇਕਆਸੀ |
Eighty-two | ੮੨ | ਬਿਆਸੀ |
Eighty-three | ੮੩ | ਤਿਰਾਸੀ |
Eighty-four | ੮੪ | ਚੌਰਾਸੀ |
Eighty-five | ੮੫ | ਪਚਾਸੀ |
Eighty-six | ੮੬ | ਛਿਆਸੀ |
Eighty-seven | ੮੭ | ਸਤਾਸੀ |
Eighty-eight | ੮੮ | ਅਠਾਸੀ |
Eighty-nine | ੮੯ | ਉਨੱਨਵੇਂ |
Ninety | ੯੦ | ਨੱਬੇ |
Ninety-one | ੯੧ | ਇਕੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-two | ੯੨ | ਬੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-three | ੯੩ | ਤਰੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-four | ੯੪ | ਚਰੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-five | ੯੫ | ਪਚੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-six | ੯੬ | ਛਿਅੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-seven | ੯੭ | ਸਤੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-eight | ੯੮ | ਅਠੱਨਵੇ |
Ninety-Nine | ੯੯ | ਨੜਿੱਨਵੇ |
Hundred | ੧੦੦ | ਸੌ |
Like we told you in the intro you learn everything about 1 to 100 Punjabi counting. We discuss all the things step by step so that you learn everything and you don’t have any problems.
If you have any problems then read this article very carefully another time your every problem will be solved because we describe all the things about 1 to 100 Punjabi counting. Read at last.
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