400+ Free Guest Posting Sites List Instant approval
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Today we will discuss about an essential concept of blogging. If you are a blogger and you are thinking of starting blogging then this blog will be important for you. So we know about what is posted in this post. Also, know some other sub-concepts of blogging like what is the need for Guest Blogging in SEO. Also, we know about the benefits Of Guest Posting. So let’s start with me going deeper into the guest posting world.
What is Guest posting?
Guest posting is also known as guest blogging. In the guest posting method, A blogger should post a blog post to another blogger’s website which has high domain authority and whose domain is older age, and in Google, it is reputable website. So When a new blogger will guest posts on the old blogger’s website.
They have both in win-win situations. In the case of a new blogger, he will get a backlink from the old site so Google will trust in the new website because Google thinks that when a trusted site gives a backlink to any site it is better. In another case, an Old blogger will write the blog post with lots of time saved and he also earns from the guest post.
100 Free Blog Posting Sites List
S.No | Guest Posting Sites List | DA |
1 | https://www.blogger.com/ | 100 |
2 | https://www.linkedin.com/ | 99 |
3 | https://sites.google.com | 97 |
4 | https://medium.com/ | 95 |
5 | https://www.weebly.com/ | 95 |
6 | https://wordpress.com/ | 94 |
7 | https://www.wix.com/ | 93 |
8 | https://newssow.com/ | 93 |
9 | http://www.tripod.lycos.com/ | 93 |
10 | https://www.bloglovin.com/ | 93 |
11 | https://www.quora.com/ | 93 |
12 | http://www.livejournal.com/ | 92 |
13 | http://hatenablog.com/ | 91 |
14 | https://hubpages.com/ | 91 |
15 | https://codepen.io/ | 91 |
16 | https://telegra.ph/ | 91 |
17 | https://www.webs.com/ | 90 |
18 | https://www.simplesite.com/ | 89 |
19 | https://www.zoho.com/sites/ | 88 |
20 | https://www.strikingly.com/ | 87 |
21 | https://www.tumblr.com/ | 86 |
22 | https://ghost.org/ | 86 |
23 | https://edublogs.org/ | 82 |
24 | http://www.wikidot.com/ | 81 |
25 | https://www.squarespace.com/ | 80 |
26 | https://www.nairaland.com/ | 80 |
27 | https://www.yola.com/ | 79 |
28 | https://www.joomla.com/ | 79 |
29 | https://webflow.com/ | 79 |
30 | https://www.jimdo.com/ | 79 |
31 | http://blog5.net/ | 78 |
32 | http://bcz.com/ | 76 |
33 | https://www.bravenet.com/ | 75 |
34 | https://www.vingle.net/ | 71 |
35 | https://cargo.site/ | 70 |
36 | https://write.as/ | 67 |
37 | https://www.imcreator.com/ | 65 |
38 | https://www.webydo.com/ | 63 |
39 | https://writeupcafe.com/community/ | 62 |
40 | https://postach.io/ | 62 |
41 | https://writeonwall.com/ | 59 |
42 | https://teletype.in/ | 58 |
43 | https://www.duda.co/ | 57 |
44 | https://creatorlink.net/ | 57 |
45 | https://www.reusealways.com/ | 56 |
46 | https://www.site123.com/ | 54 |
47 | https://anotepad.com/ | 54 |
48 | https://www.emyspot.com/ | 53 |
49 | https://dailygram.com/ | 53 |
50 | https://www.voog.com/ | 51 |
51 | https://yarabook.com/ | 50 |
52 | https://en.over-blog.com/ | 49 |
53 | https://www.webstarts.com/ | 48 |
54 | https://craftcms.com/ | 48 |
55 | https://topsitenet.com/ | 47 |
56 | https://blot.im/ | 44 |
57 | https://www.simbla.com/ | 44 |
58 | https://cliqafriq.com/ | 43 |
59 | http://www.fxstat.com/en/ | 43 |
60 | https://webhitlist.com/ | 42 |
61 | https://uolsocial.socioon.com/ | 42 |
62 | https://www.sitebuilder.com/ | 41 |
63 | https://soc.cungcap.net/ | 41 |
64 | https://www.gonevis.com/ | 40 |
65 | https://telescope.ac/ | 40 |
66 | https://corosocial.com/ | 39 |
67 | https://uconnect.ae/ | 39 |
68 | http://beterhbo.ning.com/ | 39 |
69 | http://www.blogaholic.se/ | 39 |
70 | https://us.webnode.com/ | 38 |
71 | https://www.vevioz.com/ | 38 |
72 | https://neverbroke.club/ | 38 |
73 | https://oyaaa.net/ | 38 |
74 | https://social.heyluu.com/ | 37 |
75 | https://lifesspace.com/ | 36 |
76 | https://www.petslambook.com/ | 36 |
77 | https://www.bareit.us/ | 35 |
78 | https://redsocialgoool.com/ | 35 |
79 | https://jigsy.com/ | 34 |
80 | https://www.skreebee.com/ | 34 |
81 | https://shapshare.com/ | 34 |
82 | https://selfieoo.com/ | 34 |
83 | https://iroot.world/ | 34 |
84 | https://kruthai.com/ | 34 |
85 | https://www.dewiring.com/ | 34 |
86 | https://social.artisanssoft.com/ | 34 |
87 | https://www.howeasyy.com/ | 34 |
88 | https://wiwonder.com/ | 33 |
89 | https://catbuzzy.com/ | 33 |
90 | https://hasster.com/ | 32 |
91 | https://latinosdelmundo.com/ | 32 |
92 | https://respeak.net/ | 32 |
93 | https://www.recentstatus.com/ | 32 |
94 | https://www.sitey.com/ | 31 |
95 | https://www.satespace.com/ | 31 |
96 | https://www.justyari.com/ | 31 |
97 | https://7smabu.com/ | 31 |
98 | https://buzzmyhub.com/ | 31 |
99 | https://community.r1dvideos.com/ | 31 |
100 | https://www.dr-ay.com/wall/ | 31 |
Free Instant Approval Guest Posting Sites Lists
S.No | Instant Approval Guest Post Sites List |
1 | https://www.newssow.com |
2 | https://www.mytechant.com |
3 | https://hindineed.com |
4 | https://blogingadda.info |
5 | https://paisabazaar.pro |
6 | https://mrtechish.com |
7 | https://techduffers.com |
8 | https://nonstopnews.info |
9 | https://99gambling.com |
10 | https://casinoignition.com |
11 | https://www.nonstopnews247.com |
12 | https://www.cryptocurrencymonk.com |
13 | https://www.theguestblogging.com |
14 | https://www.heartofviolet.com |
15 | https://dailyhuntnews.tech |
16 | https://www.blog4finance.com |
17 | https://mrtechish.com/write-for-us |
18 | https://www.itechcode.com/join-itechcode |
19 | https://greencleanguide.com/write-for-us |
20 | https://www.techmobis.com/write-for-us |
Free Guest Posting sites in USA
S.No | Guest Posting Submission Websites | Link Type |
1 | https://oxflox.com | Content Body |
2 | https://www.theguardian.com/ | Content Body |
3 | https://www.wsj.com/ | Content Body |
4 | http://www.forbes.com/ | Author Bio |
5 | https://www.elsevier.com/ | Content Body |
6 | http://www.nature.com/ | Content Body |
7 | http://mashable.com/submit/ | Author Bio |
8 | http://www.businessinsider.com/ | Content Body |
9 | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ | Author Bio |
10 | http://techcrunch.com/ | Author Bio |
11 | http://www.salon.com/ | Content Body |
12 | https://academic.oup.com/ | Author Bio |
13 | http://elearnmag.acm.org/ | Content Body |
14 | http://www.politico.com/ | Content Body |
15 | https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ | Content Body |
16 | http://www.fastcompany.com/ | Author Bio |
17 | https://www.shopify.com/ | Content Body |
18 | http://www.inc.com/ | Author Bio |
19 | https://www.shutterstock.com/ | Author Bio |
20 | https://agricultureandfoodsecurity.biomedcentral.com/ | Author Bio |
21 | http://searchengineland.com/ | Content Body |
22 | http://www.americanbar.org/ | Author Bio |
23 | https://about.crunchbase.com/b… | Author Bio |
24 | https://hbr.org/ | Content Body |
25 | http://pubs.acs.org/ | Author Bio |
26 | https://rossieronline.usc.edu/ | Content Body |
27 | https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ | Content Body |
28 | http://venturebeat.com/ | Content Body |
29 | http://alistapart.com/ | Author Bio |
30 | https://policies.utexas.edu/ | Content Body |
31 | http://tea.texas.gov/ | Author Bio |
32 | https://fmx.cpa.texas.gov/fmx/ | Author Bio |
33 | https://www.ada.org/ | Content Body |
34 | http://careers.bmj.com/ | Content Body |
35 | https://carolinaunion.unc.edu/ | Content Body |
36 | http://blog.hubspot.com/ | Content Body |
37 | http://www.csmonitor.com/ | Author Bio |
38 | http://fa.oregonstate.edu/ | Content Body |
39 | https://financialreview.poole.ncsu.edu/ | Content Body |
40 | http://www.creativebloq.com/ | Content Body |
41 | https://financialaid.gwu.edu/ | Author Bio |
42 | http://www.edweek.org/ | Content Body |
43 | http://www.active.com/ | Author Bio |
44 | http://www.sitepoint.com/ | Content Body |
45 | http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/ | Content Body |
46 | http://www.dpreview.com/misc/jobs | Content Body |
47 | http://www.ou.edu/ | Author Bio |
48 | http://www.edutopia.org/ | Content Body |
49 | http://www.wired.co.uk/article/contributor-guidelines | Content Body |
50 | http://marketingland.com/ | Author Bio |
S.No | Free Guest Posting Websites | Link Type |
1 | https://medicine.wright.edu/ | Author Bio |
2 | http://www.aiche.org/ | Content Body |
3 | http://goabroad.com/ | Content Body |
4 | http://journal.crossfit.com/ | Author Bio |
5 | http://hellogiggles.com/ | Content Body |
6 | http://matadornetwork.com/ | Content Body |
7 | http://www.cafemom.com/ | Author Bio |
8 | http://www.dailyblogtips.com/ | Content Body |
9 | http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/ | Author Bio |
10 | http://realtytimes.com/ | Author Bio |
11 | http://www.contactmusic.com/ | Content Body |
12 | https://www.nacada.ksu.edu/ | Author Bio |
13 | http://pubsonline.informs.org/ | Content Body |
14 | http://www.jci.org/ | Content Body |
15 | http://digitally.cognizant.com/ | Content Body |
16 | http://www.moneycrashers.com/ | Author Bio |
17 | http://articles.bplans.com/ | Content Body |
18 | https://www.theladders.com/ | Author Bio |
19 | http://www.b2bmarketing.net/ | Author Bio |
20 | http://www.kevinmd.com/ | Author Bio |
21 | http://www.getrichslowly.org/ | Content Body |
22 | http://www.bootsnall.com/ | Author Bio |
23 | https://progressinorthodontics.springeropen.com/ | Author Bio |
24 | http://www.igi-global.com/ | Content Body |
25 | http://speckyboy.com/ | Author Bio |
26 | http://spark.siue.edu/ | Content Body |
27 | http://www.divinecaroline.com/ | Content Body |
28 | http://www.modernmom.com/ | Content Body |
29 | https://www.proprofs.com/c/category/knowledge-management/ | Author Bio |
30 | https://rohitink.com/ | Content Body |
31 | http://eartheasy.com/ | Author Bio |
32 | http://www.rdmag.com/ | Author Bio |
33 | http://www.scarymommy.com/ | Content Body |
34 | http://www.sitepronews.com/ | Content Body |
35 | https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/ | Content Body |
36 | http://www.desertusa.com/ | Content Body |
37 | http://www.tasteofhome.com/ | Author Bio |
38 | http://www.editorialmanager.com/ | Content Body |
39 | https://www.biggerpockets.com/ | Content Body |
40 | http://blogcritics.org/ | Content Body |
41 | http://animaldiversity.org/teach/contributor_guidelines/ | Author Bio |
42 | https://www.backpacker.com/ | Content Body |
43 | http://benthamscience.com/ | Author Bio |
44 | http://www.steves-digicams.com/ | Content Body |
45 | http://gradle.org/ | Content Body |
46 | https://www.editorialmanager.com/ | Content Body |
47 | http://www.onegreenplanet.org/ | Author Bio |
48 | http://www.ccim.com/ | Content Body |
49 | https://www.healthcare-informatics.com/ | Content Body |
50 | http://www.additudemag.com/ | Author Bio |
What is the need for Guest Blogging in SEO?
Backlinks from high-authority websites to increase traffic to the new website. In current times backlinks remain a core ranking factor for search engines like Google. Guest blogging allows you to get these high-quality backlinks naturally, boosting your website’s traffic and helping it rank higher in search results.
By showing your writing on other websites, you make yourself think that you will write content that is helpful in your industry. This increases brand, builds trust with potential audiences, and attracts more visitors to your website.
What Are The Benefits Of Guest Posting?
You reach a larger audience. Then you will establish your brand then you have different ways to monetize the traffic. If you get valuable backlinks from reputable websites, it signals Google’s trust and authority over your website.
You will drive the best visitors to your website through placed links within your guest post, also you will attract potential customers to sell your product who are interested in your offerings. Another benefit from backlinks within the guest post is that you will mention your website and visitors back to your website, improving your search engine ranking.
How to get approval for Guest Blogging faster?
First, you will research and get blogs that actively want guest contributors and then check that the blog is the same as your niche and target audience. Check their guest post guidelines page also contact us page present you will easily contact them for the guest posting. If you want to reach more professionally then do not send regular emails.
Write a personalised message and say then you will like the blog also the writing and tell them your niche is the same as the blog niche. So you want to collaborate with him and make him assured that you will write the best guest post on his site. Then discuss with the charge if the owner is ready then you will go further.
So we think that you will all be clear about guest posting. The core concept of guest posting and what are the benefits of guest posting and how you will get the approval of any website owner to publish a guest post on his website we described in very simple words so you understand better. If you think these things are helpful then write a comment and thanks for reading.
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